Join Terry!
A fighter for public schools
Public schools are the heart and soul of Idaho’s communities -- the glue that holds our democracy together. And sadly, they are still badly underfunded, ranking 50th in the nation in per-pupil spending! This is not acceptable to any Idahoan who takes pride in our state.
And now, we must also fight to protect our schools from the Voucher Vultures that see the taxpayer dollars meant for public education as prey.
I promise you this - I will never give in to the Voucher Vultures and their for-profit school scheme.
Chip in today to help elect Terry
We're fighting to protect Idaho's public schools from the Voucher Vultures, and your support goes a long way. Chip in today to help us win on Election Day.
Meet Terry
I'm a life-long educator running for Idaho State Superintendent of Public Schools because my opponent is supported by the extreme forces that want to use vouchers to transfer your tax dollars into private hands. I’ve been preparing for this job my entire career. I have by far the most experience, and I am ready to fight for Idaho's schools and students.
Get Involved
If we're going to preserve and protect our public schools, we need all hands on deck. Sign up today to get involved.