On the Issues
We have to keep public money in our public schools — vouchers only further drain our resources. Idaho's Education Department must be led by a certified, professional educator with experience in the classroom. The future belongs to the children of Idaho and they deserved to be prepared for it with the best education we can provide.
Increase & protect public education funding
We must resist extremists like the Idaho Freedom Foundations and its followers, including some legislators, who are carrying the water for out-of-state interests who want to spend public money to replace our public schools with private, for-profit enterprises. These Voucher Vultures want to line their pockets at the expense of our schoolchildren and our communities, but I have a message for them: go back where you came from.
Public schools are the heart and soul of Idaho’s communities -- the glue that holds our democracy together. And sadly, they are still badly underfunded, ranking 50th in the nation in per-pupil spending! This is not acceptable to any Idahoan who takes pride in our state.
And now, we must also fight to protect our schools from the Voucher Vultures that see the taxpayer dollars meant for public education as prey.
I promise you this - I will never give in to the Voucher Vultures and their for-profit school scheme.
Support professional vocation paths for high school students
I respect those who work with their hands, as my father did as a master upholsterer. Vocational education is critical to our economy. It allows our children and grandchildren to find well-paying jobs that let them stay here and raise their families. A majority of Idaho students do not go to four-year colleges; they depend on vocational education to prepare them for rewarding careers.
Incubate new technologies through higher education
Our colleges and universities are incubators for new technology.
Investing in Research and Development brings economic return well beyond what it costs, and benefits all of our industries, from food processing to high tech.
Treat our teachers and staff as as expert professionals
I commend the 2022 Legislature on its progress. Teachers finally got the raises and bonuses they deserved, and their health care coverage was improved. Improvements were also made in the career ladder, and incentives added for teachers in rural areas. These things will help us attract and retain first-rate staff who otherwise would be lured to neighboring states with better pay and more professional respect. We need to keep making progress.
Invest in safe school infrastructure
With the large surplus the 2022 Legislature had available, it’s shameful that they didn’t address the critical issue of aging school facilities. Idaho makes it harder to build and maintain schools than any other state in the nation. 2023 is the time to address the needs of our aging school infrastructure.
Increase graduation rates
Our high school graduation rate of 80.1% in 2021 was a drop of 2% from 2020, and is well below the state’s goal of 92.4%. I am confident we can do better, and will work with all stakeholders to meet – and exceed – our goal.
Invest in quality early childhood education
A good start in life pays off for the future, because children who perform at grade level in school will get better jobs, be healthier, raise better-adjusted children, and be less likely to turn to drugs and crime. I commend the 2022 Idaho Legislature on its funding for full-day kindergarten, and will work with parents and lawmakers to continue on this path of valuable investment.